Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Strong is the new "Skinny"

So I have realized that I am not the most diligent blogger out there. I enjoy writing, but along with the chaos that occasional appears in my days, it generally is not a priority...no offence intended :)

Running has been going quite well since my last post, including a great 10 km run and despite a cold last week I have been able to put in most of my runs.

 Last weekend Cst. Hubby and I ran the Ottawa Army Run 5km, my time was 33 minutes which was better than expected. During my training runs I generally am slower, partially in fact because I am pushing Roosters stroller and partially I am running at a maintenance pace. Being in the larger group during the race was a definite incentive to keep moving as well as a distraction of the task at hand. While I was running I was thinking how excited I was about the Tinkerbell in January...closely followed by a strong feeling of overwhelmed. To be part of something so fun and exciting is almost too much to handle and than the shear panic that I was only running 5 km and in less than 5 months I will be running 4x that length...I had to quickly change my thoughts. I again was very thankful to be surrounded by 16 000 members of the running community because there were distractions everywhere. Two of my favourite things were:
1. watching how many young children  were involved in the run with their families. What  a great way to incorporate family time with physical activity as well as developing a better understanding of what our soldiers do for our country. Running with the ill and injured soldiers had a real impact on me. I am so blessed to have not only my freedom, but to also have the ability and facility to get up and run whenever I want to...my only limitations are ones I put on myself. Many of the soldiers were racing with prosthetics,canes, braces or wheelchairs. It was amazing to hear the crowd applaud them as they ran by-it is something I will not forget.
2. the second thing I took from this race was an affirmation that all sorts of people and body types can be runners. Something that has been an insecurity of mine is not being  the 'typical' runner, it doesn't effect me as much now, but it still is present from time to time. (This is where I send a message to my younger self..."seriously, what were you thinking? Get over yourself and enjoy it while you got it !" ) While running there was a girl just ahead of us wearing a t shirt that said "strong is the new skinny", and it completely spoke to me. It is FAR too easy to get caught up in the appearance of it all, but reflecting on it as my 30 something self I have been thinking that just as I reflect back on my 20 something self and how "off" my body image was, I realized that one day my 40 something self will be in the same place. I want that person to be able to look back and be proud of what she did in her 30's, taking the opportunity to practice healthy lifestyle choices and create a new passion (did I just say that? :)

So, for now this 30 something is going to stick to her schedule and plug away and reaching this first goal. I am pretty proud of how it is going so far, and I look forward to working towards this bigger goal. Now we shall see how excited I am tomorrow morning ;)


Sunday, August 28, 2011

It's Beginning to Feel Like Fall

This week the mornings have started to be a little crisper and just a bit darker. I LOVE Fall, sorry to all of you whom are sun worshipers, but "sweater" weather is my favourite time of year!

This week I did my first interval training on the treadmill to help build on my speed.  I am not a huge fan of the treadmill, but I am still debating between a Garmin or Nike + for Ipod I needed to have some technical intervention for tracking the time. I did enjoy the run, especially since Rooster was in the chair beside me watching Mickey Mouse, but  I think the best part was hearing him yell  "Go Mommy Go". It is not easy running on the treadmill with him around, luckily Cst. Hubby was home and helped keep him at bay.

Today was my 'long'run for the week, on the training schedule it was set for 4.8 km ( Rooster & I ended up running 5.3km-but that was due to a detour through a different subdivision) I really wanted to push my distance again to day, as last Sunday I ran 8km and felt pretty decent afterwards. However when I looked at my schedule I saw why the distance was reduced, because next week it is my first 10km. Now I have run 10km before, but not in a VERY long time. We shall see what comes of this. I think I am going to run 10 km in one direction and have Cst Hubby and Rooster meet me. That way I know when I am done, I am done.

So I have nicknamed my son Rooster due to the fact that he is up with the sun. Well once again, he has gone and reminded me to be on my toes...his nickname this week has been Wolfy- because not only does he want to stay up late- he actually howls like he is a wolf. For any of you who are worried, no need, we have been talking about different animals and this is just the latest one he has held on to (this is normal right? ;) However, at the grocery store yesterday he started to purse his lips, throw his head back and bay like it was a full moon....so loudly that another child across the store heard him and started to do it as well. He thought he was quite clever, and this morning on our nice quiet early run he started again in a very quiet neighbourhood...until a few dogs started barking back. So if you live in our neck of the woods, I apologize if you were awoken by the sound of wolves howling...it really was just a very goofy Rooster xo


Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Running Mate

I am happy to say that this week I was able to keep on track with my training schedule despite the weather. It has been a very hot summer and I was not feeling encouraged by the idea of running in the midday heat. What has been working is running before I go to work... which is not a big stretch or change in routine as we are already up due to our own personal Rooster. He has always been an early riser...and that is no exaggeration as he is typically up by 5, and ready to start his day after a cup of milk and a cuddle. Usually I can drag this out until 5:30am...I long for the days of sleeping past 6am! However, it has worked to my advantage as I have now found myself a pretty good running mate. He loves the jogging stroller so it is a nice way of incorporating spending time with someone I love, with something I do not love as much....at most I can say that I am starting to appreciate running, at most.

Our morning runs have consisted of me loading up the stroller with our gear, and heading out- usually with Rooster still in his PJ's,snack in hand. There is usually a lot of talk about all of the cars, trucks and city buses that we see. We have been very lucky this week as there has been a fair amount of road/house construction which produces MANY "Tractors!!! Diggs!!". I have really enjoyed spending this time with him in the morning, out in the fresh air listening to him label every thing, and I mean EVERYthing. I have been finding that it has helped me add two things to my training- one is my pace, because I am talking to him I have to be conscious of my breathing and if I feel like I am not able to 'talk'to him I slow down a bit. The second is that it has added perseverance and meaning to my routine. Because he is with me I have to finish...I have to get him home and for some reason that has really helped (the momma bear instinct is a very amazing thing), as well as just spending quality time with him.

Today was my long run day, and we did pretty well...it was my first 7 km in a very long time and I felt pretty good throughout it...hell I made it home, that was good for me! Just when I needed a pick me up, he started being very silly, taking of his sweater and shoes and singing at the top of his lungs. I was quite thankful that he wasn't able to get the rest of his gear off. I look forward to getting a Garmin as I am sure I add many more steps to my runs with him, including having to run back and pick up his clothes ;)


Saturday, July 30, 2011

Run Disney

This is the link to the Tinkerbell Half Marathon page with Run Disney, they have some very fun races!

A Journey Begins with a Single Step

For a while now I have been looking for something to motivate me to get back into running. I can truly say it is something that I do not enjoy, so why run you ask? The reality is that I feel better when I run, it is one exercise that my body responds to, well at least it did before. So now it is a case of finding motivation.

I know someone that ran a marathon at Disney a few years back and it sounded like a lot of fun. I was looking on the Disney marathons website and found a true inspiration...The Inaugural Tinkerbell Half Marathon. For all who know me, nothing is more exciting to me than tiaras and tutus, but how many times as adults do we get the opportunity to wear either? Maybe once or twice a year if we're lucky (I tend to be the girls who will wear a tiara on her birthday). This is exactly what I need to get me back on track, so I have committed to running the Disney Princess Half Marathon in January of 2012. In the meantime I will be using this blog to record and reflect on this journey of Training for Tink!